canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Dynamic Taiwan in film

“Dynamic Taiwan in film” screening: Go Grandriders - On average they are 81-year-old, but they dream the dreams of an 18-year-old. The 17 “grandriders” courageously embark on a 13-day, 1,178 km motorcycle ride around Taiwan to reminisce, and rekindle the love with the land they have lived on their entire life. Go Grandriders is not only a documentary about overcoming old age, it is a compelling collective human story that looks back at the generation’s past. It is the best sold, locally produced documentary in Taiwan. (90 min; Mandarin with English subtitles). Free Admission screening time: May 1, 6:30pm venue: Auditorium, Ottawa Public Library (Main), 120 Metcalfe 120 Metcalfe