canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Tigran - A fable

Tigran - A fable Music Presented by: City of Gatineau He is only 24 years old, and yet he is today's jazz sensation. An Armenian jazz pianist living in New York, Tigran Hamasyan has been experiencing a sudden hike in popularity since the release of his first solo album in 2011, A Fable, a mix of jazz, classic and traditional Armenian fables Dates: March 7, 2013 On: 8 pm Cost: Free Event At: Jean-Desprez Hall 25 Laurier Street Gatineau City Sector: Hull Sector Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Ticket Info: ean-desprez Event Info: an Phone: 819 243-8000. Event Details. Location: 25 Laurier Street