canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Billy Tellier

Billy Tellier Performance/Theatre Presented by: City of Gatineau Author, host, columnist and comedian, Billy Tellier has kept very busy since he graduated from the National School of Humour in 2002. Lending his penmanship to the greatest humourists, like Laurent Paquin, he presents his very first one-man show. Language: French Dates: December 13, 2012 On: 8 pm Cost: Adults $25, seniors $22, students $20 At: Cabaret La Basoche 120 Principale Street Gatineau City Sector: Aylmer Sector Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Ticket Info: ean-desprez Event Info: les Phone: 819 243-8000. Event Details. Location: 120 Principale Street