3rd Annual Free Thinking Film Festival 2012 Film/New Media, Festival/Fair Presented by: Free Thinking Film Society On November 11th, 2012, The Free Thinking Film Society kicks off its 3rd annual film festival to celebrate liberty, freedom and democracy. This festival will feature four evenings of special events and two full days Saturday and Sunday of over 20 films, 5 book launches,speakers and receptions. Language: English Dates: November 1 to 4, 2012 On: Thursday and Friday, 7 to 10 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 11 am to 10 pm Cost: Festival Passes $75, students $50; Evening events $20, students $10; Day events, $30, students $15 At: Auditorium of Library and Archives Canada 395 Wellington Street Ottawa Indoor City Sector: Downtown/Central Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Event Info: http://www.freethinkingfilmfest.ca E-mail:.
Event Details. Location:
395 Wellington Street