Apres Dark – Retro Night Music, Special Event Presented by: Shenkman Arts Centre In honour of All Hallows' Eve, Shenkman invites you to join the PepTides in a lavish post-apocalyptic 1950s Costume Party! Hosted by the amazing and impetuous, Matt Carter. Language: Bilingual Dates: October 26, 2012 On: Friday, 9 pm Cost: $10 At: Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Boulevard Ottawa City Sector: East Ottawa Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Event Info: http://shenkmanarts.ca/en/events ev enements/october octobre 2012/apres dark retro/index.htm Phone: 613-580-2700 E-mail:.
Event Details. Location:
245 Centrum Boulevard