canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Petits trotteurs et grands voyageurs: Atchoum et ses microbes

Petits trotteurs et grands voyageurs: Atchoum et ses microbes Music Presented by: Ville de Gatineau Le Grand Menage is a musical and humouristic show for the whole family! Atchoum et ses microbes leads the young and not so young on a road trip, at the zoo and even in space! Let yourself embrace with its dynamism and overflowing energy! Children 3 to 9. if it rains, the show will be cancelled Language: French Dates: July 18, 2012 On: Wednesday, 7 pm Cost: Free Event At: Parc la Verendrye 730, Main Street, at the corner of P.-Labine Street Gatineau City Sector: Gatineau Sector Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Event Info: les Phone: 819 243-2300. Event Details. Location: 730, Main Street