canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

The Magic Recorder - A Musical for All Ages

The Magic Recorder - A Musical for All Ages Performance/Theatre, Music Presented by: Parnassos Hellenic Cultural Association A musical play for all ages based on the fairy tale of "The Pied Piper of Hamelin." Performed by tenor Dimitris Ilias, soprano Maria Diamantis, and 35 members of the Montreal Chroma Musika Children's Choir. Language: English, Greek Dates: May 6, 2012 On: Sunday, 4 to 5 pm Cost: At the door: Adults $15, students and children $5 At: Hellenic Meeting a Reception Centre 1315 Prince of Wales Drive Ottawa City Sector: West Ottawa Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO E-mail:. Event Details. Location: 1315 Prince of Wales Drive