canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Vulgaires Machins

Vulgaires Machins Music Presented by: City of Gatineau They've been at it for fifteen years. Now you can hear an acoustic version of their work. They're back to their sources as they explore with their songs. What they propose they put before us. Their work charms us with its sensitive and intimate nature. Don't miss this show! Dates: April 12, 2012 On: 8 pm Cost: Adults $25, Seniors $22, Students $20 At: Jean-Desprez Hall 25 Laurier Street Gatineau Indoor City Sector: Hull Sector Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Ticket Info: ean-desprez Event Info: Phone: 819 243-8000. Event Details. Location: 25 Laurier Street r