canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

East of Berlin

East of Berlin Performance/Theatre Presented by: Great Canadian Theatre Company Rudi's father was a Nazi doctor. Sarah's mother was a prisoner at Auschwitz. Both struggle to understand and escape their inheritance. Can they possibly fall in love? And if they do, what happens when the sins of the father are visited upon the son?This is a suspenseful tale of redemption. Language: English Dates: March 21 to April 8, 2012 On: Tuesday to Friday, 8 pm; Saturday, 4 pm and 8:30 pm; Sunday, 2 pm Cost: Adult evening: $37.17 + HST; Adult preview/matinee: $28.52 + HST; Students & Seniors: $27.62 ; + At: GCTC - Great Canadian Theatre Company 1233 Wellington St. West. Ottawa City Sector: West Ottawa Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Ticket Info: Event Info: Phone: 613-236-5196 E-mail:. Event Details. Location: 1233 Wellington St. West