canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Benoit Archambault - Les Pourquoi

Benoit Archambault - Les Pourquoi - SOLD OUT Music Presented by: City of Gatineau For 2 to 8 year-olds. Why do bats sleep bottoms up? Why do we clap hands when we like a show? Why does Santa Claus hand out gifts? So many questions! Welcome to the world of why and how. Benoit and his helpers, the Okay Guys, know how to give us their unique answers. Dates: March 18, 2012 On: 2 pm Cost: Adults $12; Children $10 At: Jean-Desprez Hall 25 Laurier Street Gatineau Indoor City Sector: Hull Sector Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Ticket Info: ean-desprez Event Info: Phone: 819 243-8000. Event Details. Location: 25 Laurier Street