canadiary Ottawa

Diary of Events and Happenings in Ottawa, Ontario.

Cabaret Gainsbourg

Cabaret Gainsbourg Performance/Theatre, Music Presented by: City of Gatineau Serge Gainsbourg, charming and provocative, is the soul that gives life to this new creation of Pupulus Mordicus. In a cabaret, puppets on a spree come alive in a universe of dreams, nightmares and poetry; a hymn to freedom with an irreverent wink to the establishment. Dates: November 18, 2010 On: 8 pm Cost: Adults $25, seniors $22, students $20 At: Jean-Desprez Hall 25 Laurier Street Gatineau Indoor City Sector: Hull Sector Getting There: Google Maps By Bus: OC Transpo STO Ticket Info: ean-desprez Event Info: Phone: 819 243-8000. Event Details. Location: 25 Laurier Street Gatineau
@t hymn to freedom, laurier street, city of gatineau